
Student digital experience tracker 2017: the voice of 22,000 UK learners

Universities and colleges are investing large sums of money on their digital environment both in terms of infrastructure, learning materials and supporting their staff with the development of their digital capabilities. But how do we know if the investment being made in these areas is impacting on our students’ digital experience? What do students’ expect […]

Learner stories

Key themes from the Digital Learner Stories now available

Helen Beetham has now completed a comprehensive summary of the key themes that have emerged from the Digital Learner stories. The summary takes key themes from the 12 different learners’ stories and allows the learners voices to explore each theme in turn. Highlights of the summary include the following. Key benefits of digital learning for […]

Learner stories

12 new learner stories now available

The idea for the Digital Learner Stories came from feedback at a consultation event at the end of the Jisc Digital student: Skills sector study.  Participants remarked that it would be useful to have real learner voices talking briefly about their digital experiences in various post-16 sectors.  This would be a resource to help groups […]


Seven weeks to go…

There are just over seven weeks to go before we close the door on data collection for this pilot version of the Digital Student Experience Tracker. There have been a few questions about this deadline, so I’ll try to answer them here. First, though, it’s important to say that seven weeks is a long time! […]


Student Digital Tracker February Update

Our student digital experience tracker is well underway with many institutions having launched their surveys and are busy gathering students’ responses. With many colleges and universities designating February as ‘Digital February’ the month they will be promoting the tracker to their students, we thought it would be timely to offer an update on what we […]


Digital Student Experience Tracker – out of the blocks!

A huge welcome to all of the 120+ universities, colleges and providers who are signed up to run the Tracker this time around. We expected no more than 60, so this is a huge vote of confidence. We’re very excited to have you all on board, including: returners from the original pilot (waving!) who will […]


Digital Student Tracker: new and improved!

I’m genuinely excited about the new question set for the Student Digital Experience Tracker. For the first pilot we cut things down to the bare essentials. We wanted the service to be simple, reliable, to achieve a high completion rate, and to demonstrate a demand. We made a  number of compromises to arrive at questions […]


Tracker: Alt-C workshop and phase 2 launch

After a highly successful initial pilot of the Jisc Student digital experience Tracker, we’re delighted to launch the next phase of the project. Participating institutions will use an updated and extended Tracker to gather data about their learners’ digital experiences and expectations, and compare the results with others in their sector. The Tracker is now […]


Online learners: key findings and upcoming events

We are pleased to publish the final report from our study into the expectations and experiences of online learners: What makes a successful online learner? You can catch up with the study team at ALT-C 2016, where we will be presenting some of our findings on Wednesday 8th September (10.25 in the Ensemble Room). A […]

Learner stories

Describing learners’ journeys with technology

During summer 2016 we are looking for digital learners to tell us their stories. We want to showcase some of ‘journeys’ with technology that learners undertake, using blog posts, digital images, animations, digital voice or video – whatever suits them best (see some creative ideas we generated during our Online Learners success week). We know […]