Welcome to the November digital experience insights blog post. These monthly blogs provide general tips and advice on how to run the insight surveys, latest best practice and guidance, as well as the latest news in and around the area of staff and student digital experience insights.
- New digital experience insights teaching staff report now available
The new digital experience insights teaching staff report was formally launched at a roundtable hosted by the Commission on the College of the Future and Jisc on the 5 November and it has already generated a lot of press coverage with the TES here and here, EdTech here and University Business here (all open in new windows).
One of the key findings of the report compares the survey responses of both teaching staff and students within the same organisation and found that there is a positive statistical correlation between student ratings for the quality of digital teaching and learning on their course and the level of support that teaching staff say they receive to develop the digital aspects of their role. This highlights the value of investment in the digital development of teaching staff.
You can download a copy of the new report on our website here.
Sarah Knight (head of change – student experience, Jisc) launches the new digital experience insights teaching staff report at the Commission on the College of the Future
2. Sign-up now for the digital experience insights service
Thank you to all of you who are already subscribed to run the 2019-20 insights surveys – it’s great to see increasing numbers of universities and colleges every year.
For those that haven’t, we strongly encourage you to sign-up as soon as possible so that you can start to plan your student and staff engagement and have more flexibility as to when you can run the surveys (and ensure they don’t clash with other institutional surveys also being run throughout the academic year).
If you would like to subscribe so you can run the 2019-20 insights surveys, please complete this short form here (opens in new window).
For those that have signed-up and received your ‘getting started’ form, we encourage you to complete and send back these forms as soon as possible so that we can release your master copies of the survey and you can get going with these.
3. Digital experience insights community of practice at Staffordshire University
We’ve just had a very successful community of practice at Staffordshire University. Our thanks to for Simon Birkett, Stella Davitt-Jones and Jon Ranford for hosting us (and thanks everyone who attended; your ideas and contributions are really valued). The presentations and recordings will be available at the community of practice website here soon (opens in new window). In the meantime here are some photographs from a packed day!
World café sessions
Professor Stella Jones-Devitt (director of learning and teaching, Staffordshire University) and Simon Birkett (digital campus manager, Staffordshire University) present the keynote on the ‘the connected university’
Luke Millard (director of education development service, Birmingham City University) presents at the world café session on ‘securing buy-in for cross-institutional initiatives such as digital experience insights’
Simon Birkett (digital campus manager, Staffordshire University) presents at the world café session on ‘Campus 4.0 – what technologies and digital experiences will be needed to support education 4.0 and the needs of industry 4.0?’
Sarah Knight (head of change – student experience, Jisc) presents the main findings from the digital experience insights teaching staff report
Professor Stella Jones-Devitt (director of learning and teaching, Staffordshire University) presents on the keynote ‘digital vs pedagogy – does it have to be a monsters vs aliens scenario for higher education?’
4. Share a photo of the launch of your student survey!
The community of practice was an excellent opportunity for Staffordshire University to formally launch their digital experience insights survey. As you can see from the photo below the launch went with a bang (literally!). The survey was formally launched by the two vice-presidents of Staffordshire University.
This got us thinking… how about a challenge for members to share a photo of the launch of your student survey, with a prize for the best photo? Can you better the dramatic launch by Staffordshire University? If you could send your photos to mark.langer-crame@jisc.ac.uk and we will publish the best survey launch in the January blog.
Student panel – Kelly Housby, Keele University student and Jisc student partner, Anaida Fernando and Scott William-Smith, vice presidents Student Union, Staffordshire University, Simon Birkett, digital campus manager, Staffordshire University
5. Participate in a new pilot survey of researchers
There is only a few more days to register your interest in being a member of the expert panel for the pilot survey of researchers. This pilot will fill an important gap in the view that universities are able to gather about the digital practices and experiences of their members. This year we will be piloting the researcher survey with 10-12 institutions.
In the pilot phase the experts’ panel is especially important to ensure that the questions we ask are relevant and actionable. We are looking to recruit people with an interest in the digital issues facing researchers. The panel will have exclusive early access to the draft question set, and later to the data from the pilot. You may or may not be planning to run the pilot researcher survey at your organisation.
Involvement will take the form of three one-hour webinars, the first of which will be on Monday 18th November at 1:30pm. This will help to shape question development. Later webinars will focus on feedback to the draft survey, and discussion of the results.
Do please complete this sign-up form to register your interest (opens in a new window), closing date by Thursday 14 November 2019.
6. Webinar: Digital experience insights surveys launch – what is new this year – recording now available
On the 16 October we ran a survey launch – what is new this year webinar. We had some really useful feedback and comments from the participants so thanks to everyone who attended. The webinar covered information on the changes to the questionnaires from last year, the improved mappings between the different surveys, as well as updates to the guidance.
A copy of the recording of the webinar can be found here and the PowerPoint presentation here.
7. Next digital experience insights community of practice – University of Northampton (21 May 2020)
The next community of practice will take place at the University of Northampton on the 21 May 2020. For the first time this will be a joint event, bringing the digital experience insights and building digital capabilities communities together.
If you have any ideas for sessions you’d like to present or would like to be presented to, then please email Ruth at ruth.drysdale@jisc.ac.uk
Further announcements will be available in future blogs so save a place in your diary!
Now is the time to launch your surveys. If you have signed-up please make sure you have completed and submitted your ‘getting started’ form so we can issue your surveys asap
8. How to add colleagues to administer your insight survey
Some of you have asked how to add colleagues to your insight survey account. The answer is simple but requires actions from us at account level and from you at institutional level.
The exact process is as follows:
- a) You send an email to help@jisc.ac.uk (with ‘insight surveys’ in the title of the email) with the name(s) and email address(s) of those you want to have admin access to your insight survey(s).
- b) We will add their email address(es) as users of the Jisc online surveys insight account (and to this mailing list). If they are new to Jisc online surveys, we will send them an invite to set up a new Jisc online surveys account. Please give us two working days to sort this out for you.
- c) Two days after emailing us with your request, log into Jisc online surveys and go to the blue key icon (to the right of your insight name in the dashboard) and copy the email address(es) of your colleagues in the permissions area, one at a time and pressing save in between each.
- d) Your colleagues will then be able to log into the insight surveys account dashboard (thanks to us adding them as an account user) AND see your copy of the insight survey(s) (thanks to you adding them to the permissions for your copy of the insight survey).
9. How to name your insight survey(s)
Can I remind you all to please include the following in your survey name: [name of your institution] [‘HE/FE/HE online’ and ‘student/teaching staff/professional services staff’] [2019/20] [insight survey]. You will need to do this for each of your surveys.
If you’re using the Welsh version, please indicate either by putting the title in Welsh or adding “(Welsh)” into the title.
10. Creating test / practice surveys
Some of you have created a test survey to practice with. Please can we ask that once you have finished with this you delete it, as we can see all insight survey copies made in this account, and we need to clearly find each of your “real” insight survey(s) in the master dashboard in order to put you in the right benchmarking groups.