Welcome to the September digital experience insight blog post. These monthly blogs provide general tips and advice on how to run the insight surveys, latest best practice and guidance, as well as the latest news in and around the area of staff and student digital experience insights.
- Publication of the new student report
The 2019 digital experience student insights report was launched at ALT-C in Edinburgh on 3 September by Sarah Knight and the team.
The report has been widely reported in the media – in the FE news, the TES and the College Commission (all open in new window).
You can read a blog by Shakira Martin (outgoing president of the National Union of Students (NUS) and head of student experience at Rose Bruford College) here (opens in new window)..
You can find out more about the report and download a copy here (opens in new window).
We also have an FE, as well as HE at-a-glance reports. These are available here (opens in new window).
A special thanks to all the institutions who collected the data from their students, your help and hard work is really appreciated!
- Sign up for the November community of practice
The next digital insights community of practice takes place on 6 November at Staffordshire University. The first keynote speaker will be Andrew Proctor (pro vice-chancellor, digital at Staffordshire University) who will speak about ‘the connected university’. The second keynote speaker will be Professor Stella Jones-Devitt (director of learning and teaching at Staffordshire University) who will speak about ‘digital v pedagogy: does it have to be a monsters v aliens scenario for higher education?’.
You can now book a place (and find out more information) here (opens in new window).
- Sign up now for next year (and avoid the NSS clash!)
Many of you will want to hit-the-ground running this autumn to avoid clashing with other surveys such as the NSS. So, a quick reminder that for those who have not done so already, you can sign-up now for 2019-20 digital experience insight surveys. To find out more or to start the process of signing-up please complete the form available here (opens in new window).
- Dates of opening of the new 2019-20 insights surveys
Another year has come around already! The new 2019-20 digital insights surveys will be available from Monday 7 October. This will include the student, teaching staff and now also the professional service staff surveys. Make sure you sign up here (opens in new window) to get your copies of the surveys as soon as possible.
- Expected publication dates for teaching and professional services staff surveys
Currently these dates are provisional, but we expect the teaching staff report to be launched at the community of practice on the 6 November at Staffordshire University. All reports are available on our website here (opens in new window).
Lastly we expect the professional services staff survey pilot report to be published later in the Autumn.